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Introduction of the team

Our team focuses on advanced semiconductor materials required by trillions of industries such as optoelectronics, energy, and environmental protection. Focus on the research on the controllable preparation mechanism and key technical issues of low-dimensional structural materials such as oxides, nitrides, and perovskites, arounding applications such as new displays, green energy-saving, transparent conductivity, and smart sensing. Specifically include the following five aspects:
1. Key technology of Micro-LED
2. Key technology and applications of ZnO UV light source
3. Key technology of transparent electronics and thin-film transistors applications
4. Perovskite materials for luminescence and display
5. Low dimensional materials for sensing and environmental applications

  Publications more  
Hongjin Li, Xiaofang Zhu, Dingshuo Zhang, Yun Gao, Yifeng Feng, Zichao Ma, Jingyun Huang, Haiping He, Zhizhen Ye & Xingliang Dai. Thermal management towards ultra-bright and stable perovskite nanocrystal-based pure red light-emitting diodes. Nature Communications (2024) 15: 6561
Yun Gao, Qiuting Cai, Yifan He, Dingshuo Zhang, Qingli Cao, Meiyi Zhu,Zichao Ma, Baodan Zhao, Haiping He, Dawei Di, Zhizhen Ye, Xingliang Dai. Highly efficient blue light-emitting diodes based on mixed- halide perovskites with reduced chlorine defects. Science Advance 10, eado5645 (2024).
Jin, SQ; Sun, SY; Liu, ZH; Pan, XH; Ye, ZZ; Lu, B. Reduction of Oxygen Vacancies in Mg-N Codoped Ga2O3 Films for Improving Solar-Blind UV Photodetectors Performance. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing 177(2024) 108361.