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Peng Xinsheng Ph.D.

professor | Doctoral supervisor
Subject: Materials Science and Engineering
Department: School of Materials Science and Engineering 
Tel: 057187951958
E-mail: pengxinsheng@zju.edu.cn
Address: Room 310, Hetong Complex Building 10, Zijingang Campus, Zhejiang University
· The application of nanomaterials in the environment
· Functional Porous Film and Mass Transfer


2010-now,   professor, School of Materials Science and Engineering, Zhejiang University

2008-2010, Permanent Researcher, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan

2006-2008, Researcher fellow, International center for Young Scientist,National Institute for Materials Science, Japan

2005 - 2006, Postdoctor, National Institute for Materials Science, Japan

2003- 2005, Postdoctor, Lakehead University, Canada 

Ph.D. – The Institute of Solid State Physics, Chinese Academic of Science, China 2003

      He is mainly engaged in the research and development of ultra-thin films constructed by functional nanostructures and its application in the field of environment and energy. He has published more than 170 SCI papers, SCI cited more than 8,400 times in Science, Nature Nanotech, Nature Mater. Nature Commun. Adv. Mater. J. Am. Chem. Soc. Angew . Chem. Int. Ed. and other international journals and H factor is 55 (September 2020). Related papers were reviewed and reported by Science and other media. Relevant practical technology application/authorization multiple Japanese patents, international patents, Chinese patents, etc.; actively cooperate with enterprises.